Once upon a time...Giussepe and Vincenza Lo Duca, both immigrants from Carini, Sicily, a small town outside of Palermo, embarked on a journey to the United States in search of a fresh start and better opportunities. Fueled by an unwavering passion for pizza, they set their sights on New York. In 1989, their dream became a reality as they opened their family pizzeria.
Over the years, their business has flourished, capturing the hearts and taste buds of countless customers. Also proud parents, they've raised six boys, instilling in each of them a deep appreciation for their Sicilian heritage and the art of cooking. Today, four of the brothers work in the bustling shop, while their younger two siblings are still in school but eagerly awaiting their turn to step into the kitchen. Nestled in the heart of Brooklyn, their pizzeria has become a beloved establishment, where locals and visitors alike come to savor the taste of Sicily. |
Making old fashioned Italian pizza in Brooklyn since 1989
"Lo Duca Pizza, the shop the boys grew up learning how to operate, opened at 5 Newkirk Plaza (now home to Don Burrito) 1989 before moving to its current spot across the way in 1996. According to family lore, Giuseppe immediately knew Newkirk Plaza was perfect–the high volume of foot traffic would contribute to a successful pizzeria." "The Lo Duca brothers had the run of Newkirk Plaza from the start, but it wasn’t all fun and games–they were expected to work, too. “We were boys,” Salvatore Lo Duca, Giuseppe and Vincenza’s second child and current manager of the shop, laughs. “To keep us out of trouble, our parents put us to work." Read about us in the Bklyner |
Located in the heart of Midwood, Brooklyn |